GISquirrel Technical Support

We want GISquirrel to work successfully for you. Most technical questions should be answered by the FAQ and manuals available on this web site.

Direct technical support is available free by email to registered licence holders, on a "best-endeavours" basis. We also offer a remote dial-in support service, which can be useful for advanced configuration or troubleshooting.

Whether you hold licences or are just evaluating GISquirrel, we would encourage you to use the latest version. Please check the history of versions and changes. If you are not using the latest version, please download the latest - remember to uninstall your existing version before installing the new one.

If you have already checked the manuals, please contact us using the form below. Please include your licensee name in the message, plus the version of GISquirrel and ArcGIS that you are running, and the database platform.

If you think your issue may be a bug, or a feature you'd like in future, please log it in our open GitHub issue tracker here

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