The Connection File

GISquirrel connects ArcMap to one or more SQL Server and/or PostGIS databases containing spatial data. The settings required to connect to any one database are stored in a connection file (*.asq), normally stored in a shared location for all users. The folder that contains this file becomes the container where all feature classes within that database appear (for example in ArcCatalog or in ArcMap using the “Add Data” tool).

It is sensible to give this folder and the connection file a clear name that helps users identify its purpose and/or which database it connects to.

It is possible to have more than one connection file for each database. For example this might serve to connect different users with different accounts and permissions, because the connection file contains the authentication information. However, do not store two connection files for the same database in the same folder, or feature classes will appear to be duplicated.

The connection file contains XML data, and can be viewed/edited in a text/XML editor. However, GISquirrel provides a user interface for creating the connection file, and manual editing should not be required.

Modified 2/19/2013
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